The Buena Vida Podcast

Kristn Trimble: Consistency is Key!

Lacy Wolff Season 2 Episode 10

Lacy talks with Kristn Trimble, a unit supervisor at the TDCJ Parole Division who participated in the daily morning check-ins over Zoom during all 10 weeks of the 2022 Get Fit Challenge. Struck by Kristn’s motivation to “show up” and challenge herself physically, Lacy wondered what brought her to this point, how she stays motivated and how she used the Get Fit daily workouts and the Wondr Health program to make lifestyle changes around eating and movement. Her “fits and starts” and initial frustrations are relatable. And Kristn’s enthusiasm for how she feels in her body is infectious.

Learn more about Wondr Health and apply to participate yourself through this link.

Take part in our Virtual Fitness  classes ! Join fitness instructors Jewell Smith, Mackenzie McIntyre & Chris Young! The Get Fit Texas platform will be our home for the calendar for now. Login and go to the calendar tab on the left side of the page.

Participate in future wellness webinars through the ERS Wellness Events page.